Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are Nicky Clarke Frizz Control Pro-Ceramic Straighteners good? please please answer?

hey, tommorow im thinking about buying mysellf some nicky clarke frizz control pro- ceramic straighteners... now i need your advice... should i buy them or not... coz i reallly need some but i can only afford those which are down from 30 pounds in argos to 19.99....or is there some other really good ones I can buy from argos at that price... please help. xxxAre Nicky Clarke Frizz Control Pro-Ceramic Straighteners good? please please answer?

i bought a the nicky clarke 1 on friday!!

its really good!! i like it alot, straightens really good, and lasts! straightens fast and glides really easy, its ionic which helps reduce damage and frizz, its amazing, i think its as good as a GHD! LOL! no really im happy with it, its a good straightener, it also makes this ding ding ding sound wen its ready, low sound so dw no1 in ur house will kno u just put ur straightener on LOL (cuz i get told off wen using it too much =]) it has a blue light wen u switch on, i think its cool so u hve to BUY IT! b4 they r gone!

good luck!!Are Nicky Clarke Frizz Control Pro-Ceramic Straighteners good? please please answer?
i had those (until i broke them) and they are really good. they can also curls your hair nicely too!

but, to be honest my new straighteners are better - remington curl and shine jobbie's from argos! But they cost about 拢40

if you don't want those then go for Nicky Clarke's, he's a celebrity stylist to, so they must be good! (jokes)

GHD's are the best hair Straighteners you can buy.
Don't get nicky clarke.

Get remington if possible or babyliss!

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